Friday, December 19, 2008
Get Improved Eyeglasses
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Health Plan
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Your Excellent Business
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Hindi Songs For Free

Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Date For Everyone
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
A Valuable Offer

Saturday, November 1, 2008
Affordable Eye Glasses at Zenni Optical

Zenni Optical was on FOX news!Watch the stories Deal or Dud.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Business Financing At
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
How Do I Know If My Husband is Cheating?
This is a question some wives have and finding the answer can sometimes be very frustrating. The good news though is that there are several ways to know whether or not your husband is cheating and this article would show you some of them.
The first way to know whether he is cheating is to try to see his financial and cell phone records and this would be very easy if you both maintain joint accounts even if you don't you can still ask for it or check it when he is not at home.
If you see that he is spending a lot of time on the phone or he is making a lot of cash withdrawals and he can't provide a convincing reason why he needs to be doing this, then this might be an indication that something is wrong.
Another good way to know is to see whether or not he is still doing the things he used to do, for instance he is still wearing his wedding ring or does he kiss you goodbye before he goes to work. Just try to think of things that he used to use to show his love for you, if he has stopped doing some of them for no reason then something must be wrong.
You can also know whether he is cheating by actually discussing with him but try not to accuse him of anything for instance you can jokingly ask him whether he is seeing somebody else and see how he reacts, if you know your husband you should be able to tell when he is lying from his body language.
Another way to do this would be to ask his closest friend and do like you already know your husband is cheating and see what his friends says. For example you can ask him how long he knew about the affair your husband was having.
Signs of a Cheating Husband - 10 Shockingly Simple Traits Most Wives Miss
Signs of a cheating husband show up in many different places. One of the most common ways you can detect if your husband is cheating is by looking out for changes in his day to day routine and behaviour.
If your husband is having an affair it is quite likely that he will start acting differently. This is because we all settle into certain routines when things are regular and normal so it is only natural that if something changes in our lives then things get thrown off course and we start doing things differently. These changes in your husband's routine can be giveaway clues that he's seeing someone else but can be so easily missed.
Have you detected any of the following?:
1. Has he become short tempered with you or the children?
2. Does he want to be out more now whereas before he was happy to be at home with you? Maybe he's suggested an extra night out per week with the boys. Or maybe he's taken up new interests that mean he has to be out more in the evenings and at weekends.
3. Does he stay up later a night? This may be so that he can phone or email 'her' once you've gone to bed or simply in the hope that you'll be asleep before he gets into bed.
4. Has he started undressing in the dark or behind a closed bathroom door? This could be so that you don't notice marks or scratches on his body.
5. Does he take the dog out for longer and more frequent walks?
6. Has he lost interest in things he used to be passionate about, say a particular sport or a particular hobby?
7. Have you noticed him being more knowledgeable about women's clothing, perfume or jewelry? If so he could be buying gifts for another woman.
8. Has he lost interest in jobs and projects around the house?
9. Has he started to take an interest in something that you know he was never previously bothered about?
10. Has he stopped leaving his clothes lying around or started doing any of his own laundry, maybe because there are revealing smells or marks on them?
These signs of a cheating husband to do with the way he acts may not mean anything in isolation, but if you notice a number of them happening you should take them as a warning sign that there's probably something going on.
Catch a Cheater - How to Monitor Husband's Online Activity!
Monitoring your husband's online activity is the best way to find out if your hubby is really cheating on you! It's not as hard as you are thinking, actually it very easy! I want to give you a step by step guide how to spy on his computer. All you need is a very little spyware called a key logger!
Key logger is a spying software designated to capture all the online activity and save it for you. It records everything - all the passwords, emails, messages, myspace activity, facebook activity, internet history and it even takes snapshots every 5-10 seconds. You will be able not only to monitor his online activity, but you also will get hard strong evidences that he is cheating on you!
There is a plenty of key logger on the internet. Some of them can do the job, some of them can't. How to find the key logger that can help you? First of all there are a lot of softwares that all they do is recording the key strokes or saving the history! You can use one of these, but you really shouldn't because you can easily find a spyware that will capture all the key strokes and history, take a screen shots and it will have a remote access. See the difference? Don't download the first you find!
So after you have downloaded the best key logger for you all you have to do is to install it on your husband's computer (try to do it while he isn't home), wait for a couple of days and look at all information it recorded for you!
The biggest question of people who never used a key logger before is - can he find out that I am spying on him? The answer is no! This spyware runs secretly on start up. There are no pop ups, no visible icons. Nothing that can turn you in! Even if your husband will suspect, he can't find it even in the windows task manager! So you can be sure you are 100% safe!
I hope you enjoyed reading my article and you found it helpful for you because that was my final purpose! Thank you for reading and good luck at catching your husband cheating online!
3 Top Ways to Catch Your Husband Cheating!
Almost sure your husband is cheating on you but you just can't catch him? Need help with it? Find out here 3 ways to catch your cheating husband!
If he is cheating he probably uses the phone for it and that's why you should monitor his mobile phone activity. All you need is a little software that you have to install on his cell phone and it will record all the conversations, numbers and text messages he sent and received. If you can't afford it so there is another method. Find out the number that you think belongs to the other woman and use some reverse phone service. There are many of them on the internet. You will find out who the phone belongs to, the address and even more!
When your husband works overtime - there is nothing better than visit him at work and maybe bring him some food. Really easy and effective! If he is not lying to you he will probably be there and you will be able to relax because he doesn't have an affair. But if he is he will have to explain to you where he was and why did he lie. With a little pressure he will also admit!
Use the computer to find out the truth. If you suspect your husband has an online affair or maybe he is trying to meet women online you can discover it. Go to Google, type his name and last name and click the "Search" button! If he has a profile on some dating site or another online community, Google probably indexed it and you will find it! Here is what you can do from here - you can make yourself a profile on the same website, talk to him and see where the things are going. Or you just can show him that you know - he won't be able to get away with some excuse!
Wedding Jewelry - Choosing the Perfect Wedding Ring
Choosing your wedding ring is perhaps one of the most important pieces of jewelry that you will ever give your future spouse throughout your entire lifetime together. When choosing you will want to find a ring that will stay stylish over time and will become timeless. If you choose a ring that will never become outdated it adds value to the ring. With many different options available today for men and women shopping for the rings can be overwhelming.
You may choose to go with matching bands which most think add a special symbolism to the rings when worn out, but its not required. Some men find rings uncomfortable so the shape that is chosen for the woman may not be something that the man might want to wear. With the variety that's available today it can be exhausting shopping but don't let it stress you out. If you had originally wanted matching bands but its not working out then as a bride choose your ring and allow your soon to be husband choose what he likes. If you are able to choose the rings together then it will also take pressure off as far as picking something that your spouse may not like.
The material used for the ring is also an important factor when choosing for both women's and men's rings. Common materials normally used for the rings include silver, gold, and platinum even though they can consist of any material that the couple may choose. Gold known as the most popular material for wedding rings can be karats of 14,18, and 24. Most recommend choosing 14 karat gold for wedding rings are durable but does not sacrifice luster. While 18 karat gold can be another option keep in mind its made of a softer metal it may be easier to scuff or scratch. 24 karat gold rings are not recommended on the fact that they are the softest metal of all and to avoid tarnishing or scratching is almost impossible. It can become discolored fairly fast as well but because its less costly people do choose it.
Once you have chosen the metal that you will use for your wedding ring, it will then be time to browse the styles of ring. With more options available for styles than metals this can also take a bit of time. The three most common styles are half-round bounds, flat bands, and comfit bands. The half-round is the most used for wedding rings, while the flat band is becoming more popular due to the fact that they can be decorated with engravings. You also have the choice of choosing a matching wedding band and engagement set.
With the metal and style chosen you now many decide whether or not you want your rings engraved. A good jeweler should have the capability to design your ring as you wish including any text, symbols, or numbers. While many choose to engrave their initials or words to each other some may opt to have nothing done to them.
Choosing your wedding rings can seem like a stressful event but by doing whatever works for you and your significant other will make things easier and more enjoyable. If you are unable to browse local shops for the perfect wedding ring you may also use the Internet.
Healthy Relationship
Healthy relationships are fun and make you feel good about yourself. The relationships that you make in your teenage years will be a special part of your life. They will teach you some of the most important lessons about who you are. This may help you understand different kinds of relationships, what makes each relationships special, and how to communicate in a positive way.
What makes a relationships healthy?
Communication and Sharing. The most important part of any healthy relationship between two people is being able to talk and listen to each other. You and the other person can find out what your common interests are. You can share your feelings with the other person and trust that he or she will be there to listen to you and support you. In healthy relationships, people don't lie. Communication is based on honesty and trust. By listening carefully and sharing your thoughts and feelings with other people, you show them that they play an important part in your life.
Respect and Trust: In healthy relationships, you learn to respect and trust important people in your lief. Disagreements may still happen, but you learn to stay calm and talk about how you feel. Talking calmly helps you to understand the real reason for not getting along. It makes it much easier to figure out how to fix it. In healthy relationships, working through disagreements often makes the relationships stronger. In healthy relationships , people respect each other for who they are. This includes so you can set boundaries and feel comfortable. You will find that you learn to understand experiences and feelings of others as well as having them understand your experiences and feelings.
How do I know that I have a healthy relationships with someone?
You know that you are in a healthy relationships with someone because you feel good about yourself when you are around that person. Unhealthy relationships can make you feel sad, angry, scared, or worried.
Healthy peer relationships involve an equal amount of giving and taking in the relationships. In unhealthy relationships, there is an unfair balance. You may often feel that you are giving the other person more attention than that he or she gives to you.
You should feel safe around the other person and feel that you can trust him or her with your secrets. In a healthy relationships, you like to spend time with the other person, instead of feeling that you have to spend time with him or her.
Getting Ex Girlfriend Back
Losing your girlfriend can be the worst feeling ever! Trust me, It's happened to me enough times. My last break up was the worst though. I had a very tough time until.. I discovered the underground system of getting ex girlfriend back. I'm ready to share this system with you..
First off I should tell you that this system will work for any situation you are in. It will work no matter how bad your break-up was or how bad your current situation is with your ex. Do not think you will never be able to make things work because you did something completely wrong. There are no impossible situations, only tough ones. So, here is what you've gotta' do:
Start Writing
This is going to be the action that initiates the whole unfolding process of getting your ex girlfriend back. This is your opening move. You're going to sit down and write an old fashioned letter. Just a pen and a piece of paper, you, and what I tell you to write. By doing this, you will get her attention (texting and e-mails are too frequently used these days and don't appear very important).
I'm going to tell you the basic idea of what you're going to write to her, and you will put it into your own words. You've got to tell her that you've thought about things and are ok with the break-up. In fact, you think the break-up was the best thing for the two of you, and you are ok with you're current situation. This will get your ex girlfriend's attention and that is exactly what you want to do. She will respond to the letter you wrote her. It will also put you in good terms with her and you will be on her side.
A Simple Love Match Test - Have You Found Your Love Match?
Love is a special kind of feeling to be more specific an emotion by which the world rules. Love in general could be between anything not necessary between a guy and a girl. The motherly love, the friendly love and all these feeling make us to survive in the world. Now days love marriages are very common, not because everyone started to take up independent decisions but since many of the arranged marriage ended up in failure. Despite all astrological factors, couples could not continue their relationships just because the two hearts were incompatible.
So it's very preferably to understand each other and then get into a relation which many have started practicing now. While choosing a partner we have to take in considerations a lot of factors because once decided wrongly it is we who are going to suffer. Despite the physical beauty and appearances the character and nature of a person is important as appearances are always deceptive and beauty in external fades away with time. Once you decide up your partner check out the compatibility between you both. Make a simple love match test and find out your both love matches.
This can be done by adopting very simple techniques which might include the sharing of thoughts among you both, knowing whether your partner too has similar kinds of thoughts not necessarily similar but he/she , must have the strong thoughts of respecting you, loving you not only now but always. Your life partner is the one who is going to support you and be with you for the rest of your life so think twice or thrice before coming to conclusions.
Ask a few questions which you think are very much worth knowing from your partner and if you feel the answers are quite satisfactory and also make u comfortable go on with the idea. Checking out your love match is very important when it comes to today's atmosphere. Not necessary you must be superstitious to believe these. But we must understand that all these are just to make our relationship strong and thereby preventing unhealthy relations. One more important thing to be noted is that your partner need not to be exactly like what you wish and what u are. It is in fact not encouraged to choose such a partner. Choose the one who can read your mind, understands your actions, and who can complement and hide your weakness.
Also a prime factor is he/she should be able to give you mental and happiness from heart than physical happiness. Physical happiness is a part of living but it can be achieved only when two souls come together rather than being two physical bodies. All these love matching tests help us to be strong in our love relations and we have to keep in mind that maintaining a relation is all the more difficult than creating one. Thus finding out your match and understanding the basic similarities and differences of your partner would make you lead a happy and successful life!!!
Learn How to Say NO!
Saying no can be a source of stress for many people so much so that they build up a fear of being asked anything in case they have to say no or worse they comply reluctantly.
I am a people watcher and one thing I have noticed over the years is the way that people deal with requests and how they say 'no'.
I am always very impressed by people who can say no without causing offense or assuming a guilty position for having to say no. I myself do say 'no' but feel very uncomfortable doing so and over the years I have tried to teach myself how to say no without feeling guilty, without defending myself and most importantly without causing offence so that I and the person making the request remain friends.
These are top tips on how to say No with ease
Less is more, do not defend your decision with a multitude of reasons, as this will always give an impression of 'me thinks thou doest protect too much' and the receiver of your no will wonder what you are hiding, what you haven't said and what the heck your problem is!
Preparation is also key. If you find you can't say no to requests for your time and always feel over burdened and perhaps taken advantage of, then prepare in advance some quick answers to the requests you already know are coming your way.
For example:
They say:
'can you do xyz for me please?'
You reply:
'I would, but I have too much on at the moment, have you thought about asking B?'
If this person persists as they know you are a soft touch and may cave under pressure
You reply:
'I tell you what if you can do this for me...
then list a LOT of chores
I will gladly do this for you'
Only use this though if you are genuinely happy to trade chores. But chances are the asker will NOT be happy to trade. Which brings me to the next point
Ask your self : 'is this person considering me with this request?'
If the answer is 'no', then you have no need to feel guilty at all about saying no. They are not considering you thus you do not need to feel obliged and obligated to consider them.
'Can I smoke in your car?'
Easy answer
I'd rather you didn't, thank you for asking before lighting up. I appreciate it.'
The person has shown consideration by asking you before they light up BUT if they were truly considerate they would not think it acceptable they make your upholstery smell or pollute your lungs in such a small confined space. When they ask before they light up, they are thinking first of themselves and then being 'polite'. Thus you do not need to feel guilty for considering your needs first and then being 'polite' in your refusal.
Also feel free to ask them to do something for you once in a while! If they feel the requests are going to be two way that may in itself reduce their frequency of requests.
While looking at strategies for being more effective at saying no, what is the psychology behind our reluctance to say no?
I have a theory that it stems from childhood, and that as children when we say no to our parents we are scolded. The result of which is that we grow up with a subconscious aversion to saying the word 'no'. I recommend we are thus very careful how we respond to our children when they refuse our requests. Ask your self how important it is that they fulfill our request and why are they saying no? What we do not want to teach them is that saying 'no' in itself is negative and that as adults all requests have to be accommodated.
Note that people also have a strange respect for people who do say no. Perhaps due to the old adage that 'nothing worth having is obtained easily', or perhaps just that they are unaccustomed to hearing it. But if we continue with my theory above, perhaps when someone tells them 'no' subconsciously we are reminded of our parents and other authority figures who said no to us when we were children. these figures commanded respect and yet were also providers, so perhaps when we hear 'no' we place that person saying it in that 'position' of parent, authority, provider role and thus respect the decision and accept it.
Thus you have nothing to fear by saying no, you may actually benefit from it!
I still have a long way to go myself before I feel completely comfortable with saying no, but I believe that a healthy self esteem, confidence and appreciation of self is an integral part of protecting your own self interests.
This article is not intended to turn us all into selfish, unhelpful people, far from it. It is more for those people pleasers who's life really is swamped by requests from people that recognise their need to please and reluctance to say no and that seemingly 'happy to oblige' attitude. These people show the people pleasers no consideration by overly burdening them with requests. Thus no reason to always feel obliged to comply.
This need to say yes all the time can be a source of stress and anxiety and can even lead to illness. If you know someone who you like to ask a lot of, consider whether they really want to do this for you or whether they just feel uncomfortable saying no. If it is the latter then think of other ways to meet your needs without over burdening them. Perhaps if you express your needs they may offer their help but do not hint at needing it as this is again pressure on them to make the offer.
Good luck with your freedom from being a 'yes' person.
Men and Romance - The Truth About Men and Romance
Most people think that romance is candlelit dinners, roses, champagne, and walks on the beach. These are only parts of romance and they are not completely a part of romance unless there is a deeper connection between you and your mate. Men and romance is something that women want, but do not know that not every man has romance in their blood. There is so much more to romance than just dinners, roses, and the beach. There is a spice of keeping the relationship exciting and making it fun on a daily basis. There is communication, which is not just talking. There is so much more. Men listen up because you are about to discover how to keep your woman happy when it comes to romance.
Alright, first things first, because this is incredibly important. DO NOT forget birthdays, anniversaries, mother's day, or Valentine's day. If you forget even one of these you will be spending years trying to make up for it and it will be very difficult for your woman to understand that she is important to you. If you have to write them down, set reminders on your computer or cell phone, or anything else you have to do to remember them, then do it. These come first and you better not just remember them, but make them as special as you possibly can.
Second, you need to understand that you can go spend $5,000 on a ring for your woman and not get her to feel the way you can by spending $50 on something that you put thought and effort in to. On another not you can spend absolutely nothing and give your woman a gift that will show her that you appreciate her and you love her. There are so many little things that will spice up your relationship in ways you would never imagine. You can do the laundry, vacuum the living room, cook dinner, do the dishes, or any other chores that you find meaningless. These are all very meaningful to women and you will touch their heart when you do these things unexpectedly.
On top of that you will have a better chance of getting what you want later, when the light are out and you are ready to be intimate. Your woman will know that you appreciate her and will be much more willing to show you that she appreciates you as well.
Third, you cannot take your woman for granted or just give up. This is called being in a rut. You need to always be thinking about what you can do for her. This could include leaving a little love note in her coffee cup, leaving a single rose on her pillow or in her car, or doing other sweet little things that show her that you appreciate her. These are the things that will add up to romance in her eyes. Sure a dinner by candlelight and a stroll on the beach at night are romantic, but because you do the other little things on a regular, but spontaneous basis you will have the romance there already and the walk on the beach will be even more romantic because of it.
Last, you have to understand that your woman has about 100 times the amount of emotion you have. This is why she analyzes you like crazy. You have to consistently pay attention to her, remember what she says because you are listening, and use the hints to your advantage. You can find out what a woman wants when it comes to men and romance just by listening. She will tell you and if you shut your mouth and open your ears you will find that your relationship will become one filled with romance and you will feel alive because you know how to put a smile on her face on a daily basis.
Who Has More Rules - Women For Men Or Men For Women?
OK, here's a test - who has more rules - women for men or men for women? If you guessed men for women you are WRONG. During my relationship research over the years (no this research wasn't formal, had no benchmarks or was validated in any way - just gut reactions and experience) I believe that generally speaking (I'm using the word generally because I'm trying to avoid the wrath of any women out there and their need to email me their personal views on the subject) anyway, I believe that women have more rules for men than men do for women.
Whose rules are you living by yours or his or hers? Why do we even need rules for each other?
The assumption we make when another person has rules for us is that the way we do things is wrong or not acceptable to them for whatever reason. Come on. . . who put you in charge of me?
Yes if you want to avoid a lot of frustrations, conflict, arguments or spending time in - time-out - you will know your partner's rules and obey them to the limit every time. But I ask you, isn't life complicated enough without having to remember all of these often really stupid rules?
Do this... don't do it this way... don't do it that way... say this... don't ever say that... always act this way... never act that way... I'm getting tired just writing down the rules for the rules let alone trying to remember all of the rules themselves.
Contrary to popular opinion your way for me to live my life is not in your control nor is it your obligation to hold me accountable with various kinds of punishment when I break your rules.
If I had to guess over the years during my relationships there have been literally hundreds of rules. But wait, here's the interesting part. One person's rules were totally opposite the next person's rules. Please, give me break. I'm just trying to get through life the best I can I don't need to spend hours or even days trying to figure out how not to break your rules or even remember them.
Do you have a lot of rules for your partner? I'll bet you have more than you realize. Some may be obvious. Some may be unconscious. Some may be sacred. Some may be really stupid. I'll give you an example of a couple of contradictions.
One person wanted me to always tuck in my shirts when I dressed, even for casual activities. The next person wanted me to leave my shirts out. When do I get to do it the way I want to and when I do I don't have to worry about offending you?
Emotions For Sale
Do fabricated cards speak more than silent gestures or million dollar honey coated sweet nothings? Well in this era of show off, the answer is definitely in the affirmative. Comes the good'ol Valentine's Day, Friendship's Day, Mother's day or father's day; the commercials are too busy selling emotions aka cards to mark the occasion. Few years back, Indians didn't even know that such commercialized occasions exist on the face of earth. So these events are for real or just marketing gimmicks concocted by multi national firms?
What do you find yourself thinking of the minute Valentine's Day pops up? I'm sure the scene would be no different than scrounging through the Archies gallery filled with the too sweet teddies to hug your spouse. You are bound to forget your independence day but seldom will Valentine's Day slip your memory. You will at once hit the stores to look out for all the mushy cards to make your better half feel wanted and loved. I'm still at loss to know why that chubby toddler was chosen to label the feelings. When I think of romance the last thing on my mind is a cupid approaching me armed with a weapon.
Other than card companies, mobile phone companies, florists, restaurants, chocolate manufacturers, gold and diamond merchants too cash in on the much-hyped event to further escalate their turnovers. In terms of a self confessed card gallery owner's words, "Some times even I wonder why people are so crazy and stupid to buy these junk items just for the name sake. But it is good for me in terms of business. Just for love (To show off), ill get more customers and we are selling double the price of stuffs to the stupid cupids."
Just remember how a simple note to express those dormant feelings was enough. It is the spark of the feelings and emotions that work. You can go on receding the limit of your credit card but to no avail. This is what I term 'Plastic emotions' that fades away as soon as they arise. No trash from any store will do for the heart that feels and eyes that express. Don't fall for attempts to mislead you. Life in itself is a grand celebration. None asks you to don austere approach towards life but at the same time you need to realize the motive of profiteers.
Did You Know That Your Boundaries Reflect Your Circle of Confidence?
Boundaries are an integral part of relationships. The benefits of boundaries are that they give us the flexibility to let positive people into our lives and to keep toxic people out. When our circle of confidence is very small our boundaries are weak and we are apt to put up with behavior and words from people that are not good for us. This is due to having had life experiences that did not encourage strong boundary development. Fortunately, as adults, we can learn to grow who we are and take action that will increase our self-confidence. This in turn will lead to enlarging our boundaries to reflect our new way of seeing ourselves.
1. How do you increase your circle of confidence?
I think that the most important factor is believing that one is worthy of feeling better about oneself. That is a simple concept on one level but difficult to really feel on the inside. My experience in growing people has been that at first you just have to say it to yourself and believe that you will grow into feeling it after you have taken some action.
2. Confidence develops by taking responsibility for yourself
No one else can do this work for you. If you want to expand your confidence and have stronger boundaries you have to take responsibility for doing the work. Look at it as a journey of discovering your authentic self and enjoy the process.
3. Let others help you in this journey
Take a mental look at the people who are in your life. Let the ones that are positive support you in your journey. Set limits with the ones who discourage your progress or undermine it. Understand that when a person starts internally growing and responding more authentically that others will try to pull them back to the old familiar equilibrium. That is to be expected and you need to focus on staying on the course you have set for yourself.
As your confidence grows you will experience a change in the invisible boundary circle around you. You will enjoy who you are more and build satisfying relationships.
Pitfalls in Building Relationships, Commitment and Love - Continuing With I
We continue this series which discusses how to avoid the pitfalls in building interpersonal relationships, whether with family, coworkers, friends, or that special someone. Committed, loving relationships do not just happen. You should realize that there is no success secret, no checklist of things to do, and just as important things not to do for building such relationships. We will make some suggestions that focus on what to avoid. We actually have a double series of articles for the letter I. Our present focus is on impolite, indifferent, and infallible.
I is for impolite. Impoliteness is a real scourge of present-day life. How hard is it to wait an extra ten seconds to hold the door open for someone surrounded by little kids? What is the difference between the Gay Nineties and today? In the Gay Nineties a woman might drop her handkerchief and a man would scoop it up. Sometimes this was the beginning of a beautiful relationship. Today a woman might drop her Kleenex (does anyone use a handkerchief anymore?). And a man, perhaps willing to start a beautiful relationship, would bend down to scoop it up only to hear a shrill voice: "No, thank you. I'll get it myself. Male chauvinist pig.
I is for indifferent. Our unnamed and probably inexistent handkerchief dropper of the previous paragraph may be accused of many faults, but no one could say that she was indifferent. To some extent be like her; don't be indifferent. Do you see that bump on the log? Which bump on the log? Any bump on any log. Don't be a bump on a log; don't be indifferent. Be involved. You can make a difference and it does make a difference. People can know that you have been there and I'm not talking about the morning you forgot the deodorant. Making it happen is contagious.
I is for infallible. Conjugate infallible. I am not infallible. You are not infallible. He or she is not infallible. Get the idea. We are not... Mistakes happen. The only way to avoid making mistakes is to do nothing. When you think about it, doing nothing is one of the biggest mistakes of all. I personally would not use a service that claimed to provide a success rate for doctors or surgeons. The way I look at it, some doctors and surgeons would avoid the most difficult cases to keep their percentage up. I would prefer taking the chance with a practitioner ready to attempt the difficult cases than to go with an infallible scaredy-cat.
What Do Women Really Want From Their Man
Alright, this article is not just for men, even though it is beneficial for you to know what a woman wants and expects from you. It is also important for you to know what you cannot expect from a man too soon. Women and men you both need to listen up if you want to find that perfect relationship. Here is what women want from a man and what women cannot expect from a man.
First, women want a man that is comforting, good looking, funny, and will take care of them. It is very important to understand that the one thing that women want most is to feel safe with a man. This is the most important and it comes from all the feelings of the man being secure in himself and with the relationship. Women also want honesty, great sex, and a guy that will listen to them.
Basically, women want a man that will give them everything. Some women will not admit it, but they want the night in shining armor and they want the man that will go the extra mile. The problem is that most men have been through a bad experience or two and are unwilling, at first, to go that extra mile. Men are more fragile than they want to admit. They want to be everything they can be for their woman, but after one heart break they are afraid to give themselves again.
Women, you need to understand that you cannot expect everything right off the bat. The first thing to understand is that if you are not willing to support your man while he becomes what he needs to become, then you will end up with the man you desire and he will trust that you will not leave him because you have been there from the beginning. You cannot expect a man to trust that you are going to be there for you if you don't support him.
There was once a woman in my life that told me if I got a good job, got out of debt, and became, basically the perfect man, she would be willing to date me again. Then, she told me later on that if I was able to make a half of a million dollars a year she would marry me. This is the type of woman that will never get me or any other guy if she makes comments like this. She is unwilling to support anybody and just wants the perfect man handed to her on a platter.
Women, you need to understand that you have to communicate with your man or he will not know what women want from a man and you will not be able to get what you want out of the relationship.
Why Men Dump Nice Women
You simply do not understand why men dump women who are being nice, kind, caring, loving and forgiving? Was it wrong to be Miss Nice? Well, you are not wrong to be nice but sometimes people just take things for granted and was being neglected of how they feel. This does not only happened to women but men as well. You expected to gain their respect and receive unconditional love that you deserve but why is he treating you like this?
There can be more than 1001 reasons why men dump women but how true it is, only the guys knew it themselves. All I can say when men dump women, the reasons are always interconnected with one another like communication and feelings etc.
- Too needy
A woman who wants a man by her side for 24 hours and cannot do things properly without relying on the man is showing too much neediness. Women who behaved like this tend to be very emotional and sensitive. They get paranoid easily when the man is not around by her side. They are always the one who is giving in. When a woman gives too much to a man, man take things for granted.
- Too demanding
A woman who is too overpowering tend to be someone who have very bad temper. They want to be in control of almost everything, giving the man no freedom and space to do their things freely. The woman seems to became the "tigress" at home and communication flow became just like "reporting to madam".
- Lack or No communication
Love will fade if communication became lesser in a relationship. Communication breakdown also mean not being able to understand how the other party is doing or feeling. This can lead to quarrels and misunderstandings, when this problem get serious, more problems came such as infidelity.
- Commitment
When you are together with the man for a few months, you start to stress him on marriage or getting him into any commitments can force the guy to leave you if they are not ready. On the other hand, when both of you are progressing healthily and seriously for a period of time. It will be very natural that both parties will start to discuss about house and marriage.
- All out for fun
Sometimes, men does not need any reasons to dump women. Men just dump women when they have enough fun. Guys who are like this are flirts and they are not serious at all. This kind of man will not commit anything until they really found their true love.
You Might Be a Stalker
Ever wonder what the characteristics of a stalker are? If you recognize yourself in the following list, then it just may be you!
Okay, so you wanted to know what your boyfriend was doing last night. And you needed to go to the grocery store anyway, so you thought since you were 'in the neighborhood', you would just drive by his house. Or you called your new love and he didn't call you back. So you called again. And then again. And then several more times. Could you be a stalker?
We all hear stalker stories and see stalker movies, but, for some reason, we never think it applies to us. But it's more common that you think and all of us have probably engaged in some stalker-ish behavior at one time or another, so let's just be real! What is a stalker? A stalker is typically defined as someone who is overly concerned with someone else's behavior. This 'concern' leads them to play an intrusive role (seen or unseen) in that person's life. Here are some signs that you yourself might be a stalker:
1. You drop or drive by someone's house uninvited because you were just 'in the neighborhood.'
2. You 'stake out' that person's house to see who shows up. (Unless you are officially paid to be a police officer or work in a surveillance group, just need go home.)
3. You go out on a 'search' mission to find out where someone is.
4. You call (with your number blocked) and hang up to see if he's just avoiding your phone calls.
5. You call him repeatedly until he answers the phone.
6. You put a GPS on your shared phones and track his every move.
7. You show up at his job unexpectedly
8. You go through his belongings.
9. You read his text messages, emails or phone book entries to find 'evidence.'
10. You show up at places you know he will be.
If you are a stalker or have been a stalker, it's okay! Admit it to yourself now and then stop being one. You are much too valuable to waste yourself pursuing someone who does not want you. Stop today and live your own life. The next time you want to drive by that person's house, don't! The next time you start to call that person, don't! If you are in a real relationship with someone, let him call you or let him come by your house instead. And then find out what it's like to have someone chase you instead of the other way around!
What Do Girls Want in a Man?
So what do girls want? This is a frequent question asked a lot in the dating world. There are many answers to this question from all over the place but facts are facts. There are certain qualities girls want in a man which apply to all men. And the problem is that most men out there don't know what these are therefore this is the reason why you must know these at all costs. Read on to discover what these things are and achieve mind blowing results fast...
You must be different from the rest- Why would a girl be ever interested in you if you are just like anyone else out there? You must develop some unique qualities which differentiate you from the rest and make you a unique individual. Learn to lose break out from the crowd and follow your own path.
Have a positive attitude- Girls can smell a loser from miles and that's something which really turns them off in a man. They want to be around a man who has a positive attitude towards life and is fearless. They want to be with someone who knows where he is going instead of following others. More or less they are looking for someone who has a leader like attitude.
You must be able to make her feel good- This is one of the most important quality you must have in order to be liked by females. You must have the capability to make her feel special. You see the better she feels about herself the more she would be into you. Humans have a tendency to get attracted towards people who can make them feel good. Therefore you must make her feel good in your company.
Here is the Reason Why Some People Always Fail With Their Relationship
What is the reason behind feeling stuck in a relationship where each day seems like a living hell? The reason behind such a condition is that one or both of the partners are not doing what it really takes to keep the relationship healthy. These are the things which most humans do without even realizing they're doing it. This is the reason why you must know this at all costs. Read on to discover what these mistakes are and achieve stunning results fast.
Pushing the past into your present- This is one thing a lot of people out there do a lot without even realizing that they're doing it. You must let the past be the past and not dwell upon it too much no matter how painful it was. The good thing about the past is that it's gone and now you don't have to deal with it anymore but bringing it up again and again will bring back the pain and it will affect your present.
Focus on your partner more than you focus on yourself- A relationship has to be mutually beneficial and a lot of the times one or both of the partners start focusing on themselves all the time. This leaves the needs and desires of your partner unfulfilled due to which the relationship will start to dwindle.
Arguments solve nothing- Well this statement is very true especially when it comes to the matter of relationship. No matter how long or hard you might try to argue you will never get anywhere unless you talk over the matter instead of fighting over it. Therefore make it a habit to talk about your problems.
3 Most Important Things You Must Do in Your Relationship - This is Something No Man Should Miss
Demonstrating and expressing love is important but that's not the only thing which keeps a relationship strong in the long term. It takes much more than just love if you want to maintain a healthy and a happy long term relationship. There are some extremely vital things you must do in order to keep a relationship strong and healthy. Read on to discover what these things are and achieve mind blowing results fast...
Maintaining a proper communication line- One of the major reasons why a lot of relationships out there tend to dwindle is due to the fact that the two partners are not able to express themselves to each other. This normally happens due to not maintaining a clear cut line of communication which means that each of the partners should be allowed to talk and should be given the right to be heard. Therefore you must be a good listener in order to maintain a good relationship.
Spending the right amount of time with each other- This is the most vital aspect you must look into if you really want the relationship to be successful. In the present day and age a lot of people out there are not able to find enough time to spend with their spouse due to which the relationship suffers in the long term.
Being able to forgive and admitting to your mistakes- You must be willing to say sorry when you know you are wrong at the same time you must also forgive her if she is wrong at times. One of the major reasons why conflicts occur in a relationship is due to the fact that one of both of the partners are not willing to forgive and even admit to their mistakes at times.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Small Talk- Is it worth it?
Small talk is very helpful at work, it helps you to establish a relationship and a relationship with your colleagues, which will help you better communicate and thus helps to better work. Small talk, known as "the transition time of the day," but somewhere along the line, which has a bad press, and was seen as "time", but now more and more with the disappearance of small talk, people feel more isolated and alone .
Décourager the young leaders who have forgotten how to talk with people to solve problems and the prevention of conflicts. The people who are in small talk, the others are better in the exchange of ideas to give and receive or make recommendations to resolve a situation which ultimately can be sure good for business.
But what is really helpful conversation in the workplace?
Slopes to more serious questions:
People often feel awkward and self-awareness to serious issues with another person, especially when things are not aware that they are well, as the case may be, in a work situation. Small talk can help you at home, on the question.
If you clap your colleagues or even your head of the executive branch, you can use the basic, general questions, and they open and the conversation is easy, then it is time to ask serious. They find it much easier at this point that the question may arise, quite naturally to speak, the small.
Keep your stand:
You must be careful with this application for small talk, so as not to médisance, which can quickly turn a negative impact on themselves and the impact bad as you think of your colleagues and bosses collected, but you can check your status by they are seen as someone who can trust, which deals with questions of work and the problems.
It makes sense, even for the early sessions, and use this time for a little conversation. The people are ready to see you, and you can also be heard by the head of the directorate or administrators to say something useful or interesting on which they want to talk with you.
Can you really listen?
So, you say you are listening
If you could videotape of your daily activities, including your tete-a-tetes with family, friends and work colleagues, you should be ashamed of how you interrupt in the middle of their speeches, or how you rush finish their sentences Them. This reeks of arrogance and a negligent attitude to the feelings of others. You have to admit that what they have to say is as important as what you want to blurt out.
Have you thought about how you immediately dismiss a child's attempts to communicate with you? Maybe you think that what the child says is not important because it is just a kid trying to say something. There are more important things to do than to listen to a kid, and this is a big mistake.
When a child is talking to you, stop what you are doing. Look at his watch and body language and facial expressions, if it is happy, sad, or frightened. Hold your tongue and let him do his work and answers, even single syllable. Who let him know that you are listening and interested in what he has to say and encourage them to tell you more. From these episodes, you should be able to know how your child is doing and what assistance they need.
The same is required of you at work. When colleagues drop by your table in the cafeteria during the lunch hour, you might as well be ready to listen than talk. You do not have this idea that listening to your colleagues is very close and let your mind wander elsewhere. Listen actively with all your senses. Do not leave noise from the other tables that you disrupt. Also ask questions, if you want to be sure you understand what your friend is trying to tell you.
How to Listen
Active listening is important during the meetings. Sometimes, it can not be allowed when there are many distractions - the hum of the copier, high heels clicking on the floor, and a multitude of other background noises. "Disconnect", and concentrate on the ongoing debate.
Ask yourself questions like: "What is the speaker?" Or "What is he telling me?" Give your opinion asking him to elaborate or give us more examples. Do not interrupt. Doing so may oppose the speaker. It would be a disaster if it is a customer.
Just to relax and take everything you fancy words, and to analyze what is said and unsaid. Of the hand gestures, body movements, facial expressions and prove to be more than words. Focus, observe and analyse. If you really want to listen, you have to make eye contact, to answer indicates that you are listening, asking questions, encouraging the speaker to develop and give some examples, and always thank the person for his share ideas and thoughts.
Relations:Facing problems?
I was talking to my son last week made progress on a number of occasions and I found myself scolding him a few times. He asked "what is with you, what did I do to get away from me"? I just sat there and realized that he had done nothing. I was bored with my day and found myself not really be here with my conversation with him. After I hung up the phone, I realised it is so easy to impose our problems on others, without even realizing that we are doing it. At this point, I decided it was time to really look at the way I speak to others and make a change. I did not want my relationships with others suffer from my negligence.
How many times have you been on receipt of a pound or a clerk responsible husband or adolescent? We all know that feeling and it must be remembered when we talk to others.
Here are some things to consider and implement if you want to improve your relationships.
LISTEN actually to tell you the words throughout the day. Listen to your TONE. How often do you raise your voice, speak in a harsh or sarcastic way, or in any way offensive. Others might not say anything for you, but I assure you they felt your words and votes. After one too many times, she began to focus on those that you inflicted on your words.
Make a conscious choice to make a change on how you talk to others.
Put yourself in their place and see how they may be affected by your words.
BEFORE you speak, think about what you are going to say. Even if you need to take an extra breath to compose your thoughts, it is worth the effort. It may even slow down your approach to others.
PRESENTATION is to learn how to communicate effectively with others. How can you say something that will benefit the other person?
REMEMBER what this means for you the person.
If you stumble and forget and say something you know you should not, recognize, forgive and then apologize. It is unbelievable to see how a recognition and an apology will help.
Know that you can not change in a day or even a week. But with acknowledgment of every day what you are doing and make changes as they occur, it will quickly become accustomed to be aware of your words and the power they have over others.