Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Small Talk- Is it worth it?

People often speak of small horrors, but that is what unites us, socially. Almost every day, be it with people we know or with strangers, you need to be turned into a kind of small talk. He breaks the ice, which people acquire and their first impressions of ourselves and has begun to establish a relationship, if that is what you want to do. But what are the other uses for the small talk?

Small talk is very helpful at work, it helps you to establish a relationship and a relationship with your colleagues, which will help you better communicate and thus helps to better work. Small talk, known as "the transition time of the day," but somewhere along the line, which has a bad press, and was seen as "time", but now more and more with the disappearance of small talk, people feel more isolated and alone .

Décourager the young leaders who have forgotten how to talk with people to solve problems and the prevention of conflicts. The people who are in small talk, the others are better in the exchange of ideas to give and receive or make recommendations to resolve a situation which ultimately can be sure good for business.

But what is really helpful conversation in the workplace?

Slopes to more serious questions:

People often feel awkward and self-awareness to serious issues with another person, especially when things are not aware that they are well, as the case may be, in a work situation. Small talk can help you at home, on the question.

If you clap your colleagues or even your head of the executive branch, you can use the basic, general questions, and they open and the conversation is easy, then it is time to ask serious. They find it much easier at this point that the question may arise, quite naturally to speak, the small.

Keep your stand:

You must be careful with this application for small talk, so as not to médisance, which can quickly turn a negative impact on themselves and the impact bad as you think of your colleagues and bosses collected, but you can check your status by they are seen as someone who can trust, which deals with questions of work and the problems.

It makes sense, even for the early sessions, and use this time for a little conversation. The people are ready to see you, and you can also be heard by the head of the directorate or administrators to say something useful or interesting on which they want to talk with you.

Can you really listen?

People like to talk and unfortunately, they forget to listen, really listen to what others say. Active listening is both an art and the art of a genuine two-way communication. Whether you are a CEO or a car, good listening skills will make you a better communicator, negotiator, and planner.

So, you say you are listening

If you could videotape of your daily activities, including your tete-a-tetes with family, friends and work colleagues, you should be ashamed of how you interrupt in the middle of their speeches, or how you rush finish their sentences Them. This reeks of arrogance and a negligent attitude to the feelings of others. You have to admit that what they have to say is as important as what you want to blurt out.

Have you thought about how you immediately dismiss a child's attempts to communicate with you? Maybe you think that what the child says is not important because it is just a kid trying to say something. There are more important things to do than to listen to a kid, and this is a big mistake.

When a child is talking to you, stop what you are doing. Look at his watch and body language and facial expressions, if it is happy, sad, or frightened. Hold your tongue and let him do his work and answers, even single syllable. Who let him know that you are listening and interested in what he has to say and encourage them to tell you more. From these episodes, you should be able to know how your child is doing and what assistance they need.

The same is required of you at work. When colleagues drop by your table in the cafeteria during the lunch hour, you might as well be ready to listen than talk. You do not have this idea that listening to your colleagues is very close and let your mind wander elsewhere. Listen actively with all your senses. Do not leave noise from the other tables that you disrupt. Also ask questions, if you want to be sure you understand what your friend is trying to tell you.

How to Listen

Active listening is important during the meetings. Sometimes, it can not be allowed when there are many distractions - the hum of the copier, high heels clicking on the floor, and a multitude of other background noises. "Disconnect", and concentrate on the ongoing debate.

Ask yourself questions like: "What is the speaker?" Or "What is he telling me?" Give your opinion asking him to elaborate or give us more examples. Do not interrupt. Doing so may oppose the speaker. It would be a disaster if it is a customer.

Just to relax and take everything you fancy words, and to analyze what is said and unsaid. Of the hand gestures, body movements, facial expressions and prove to be more than words. Focus, observe and analyse. If you really want to listen, you have to make eye contact, to answer indicates that you are listening, asking questions, encouraging the speaker to develop and give some examples, and always thank the person for his share ideas and thoughts.

Relations:Facing problems?

Do you have problems with your relationship? Is there a malaise with your spouse or children? What about your colleagues? Are you clash with your best friends? We all have ups and downs with our relationship. If you want to improve your relationships, you can watch what you say, especially the way you say it. We do not always realize the TONE in which we turn to those who we would like to heart.

I was talking to my son last week made progress on a number of occasions and I found myself scolding him a few times. He asked "what is with you, what did I do to get away from me"? I just sat there and realized that he had done nothing. I was bored with my day and found myself not really be here with my conversation with him. After I hung up the phone, I realised it is so easy to impose our problems on others, without even realizing that we are doing it. At this point, I decided it was time to really look at the way I speak to others and make a change. I did not want my relationships with others suffer from my negligence.

How many times have you been on receipt of a pound or a clerk responsible husband or adolescent? We all know that feeling and it must be remembered when we talk to others.

Here are some things to consider and implement if you want to improve your relationships.

LISTEN actually to tell you the words throughout the day. Listen to your TONE. How often do you raise your voice, speak in a harsh or sarcastic way, or in any way offensive. Others might not say anything for you, but I assure you they felt your words and votes. After one too many times, she began to focus on those that you inflicted on your words.

Make a conscious choice to make a change on how you talk to others.

Put yourself in their place and see how they may be affected by your words.

BEFORE you speak, think about what you are going to say. Even if you need to take an extra breath to compose your thoughts, it is worth the effort. It may even slow down your approach to others.

PRESENTATION is to learn how to communicate effectively with others. How can you say something that will benefit the other person?

REMEMBER what this means for you the person.

If you stumble and forget and say something you know you should not, recognize, forgive and then apologize. It is unbelievable to see how a recognition and an apology will help.

Know that you can not change in a day or even a week. But with acknowledgment of every day what you are doing and make changes as they occur, it will quickly become accustomed to be aware of your words and the power they have over others.